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Donald Trump’s Winning Formula Republican transformation

Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s Winning Formula Republican Transformation

Donald Trump

During a break in the proceedings of a trial that is taking place in a municipal court in Manhattan, New York City, on November 6, 2018, former President Donald Trump leaves the courtroom. The trial is about allegations of financial fraud.

One of my closest friends who is also an American said to me, “When I see Trump, I think of Michael Jordan.” This statement was made when I was a student in the United States. Mr. Trump proceeded by saying that he is comparable to a great NBA player in the sense that he continues to win elections while breaking every rule that exists.

When it comes to game conditions, every team that competes in the National Basketball Association (NBA), which is the most prestigious professional league in the United States, adheres to a certain set of rules and methods. In its most basic form, a playbook may be described as a “collection of the pre-arranged schemes” that provides players with specific instructions for offensive and defensive strategies to implement.

The coaches of NBA teams are the ones who come up with the playbooks, and the players depend on the tactics, patterns, and other components that are defined in the playbooks to influence the performance of the team. Throughout their more than eighty-year franchise histories, National Basketball Association teams have amassed hundreds of victories and defeats as a result of the incorporation of winning strategies into their playbooks.

When it comes to the majority of situations, players place their trust in the previous performances of the team and try their best to adhere to the specific strategy. Nevertheless, there are players who, although they do not adhere to these criteria, nevertheless manage to win everything for their respective teams. Since they do not care about obeying the rules, they can score goals and convince their teammates to follow their moves.

Following the conclusion of the game, the teams make adjustments to their playbooks to accommodate these players, and every member of the squad, from the coaches to the players, contributes to the success of these players. “Superstars” is the term used to describe players of this caliber within the National Basketball Association. As a result of this, my friend most certainly connected the former president of the United States with a legendary player in the National Basketball Association.

The Republican Party of the United States of America, like the National Basketball Association, had a winning strategy that was comparable to a playbook. During each election cycle, the Republican Party has meticulously recorded and researched the elements that lead to various outcomes, including successes and defeats. The candidates were kept apprised of this information by the party’s reliable advisers for the whole of the campaign time.

After conferring with their advisers, candidates make commitments on the content of their campaign platforms, including what they will include and what they will exclude. They painstakingly prepared answers to crises and strategies to take advantage of their adversary’s weaknesses to achieve successful outcomes. Former President Donald Trump, on the other hand, was able to boost his popularity ratings by disregarding the culture of the playbook and even by breaking the taboos that were associated with the playbook.

Despite being embroiled in some scandals, including charges of rape, fraud, and incitement to insurgency, as well as statements that contained racial and sexual discrimination, suppression of the media, and sexual harassment—all of which were deemed completely unacceptable in American politics—former President Trump was greeted with rousing applause by his supporters.

Donald Trump

The fact that Trump, who was first the object of severe criticism from Republican politicians, refused to back down and instead constantly supported his strategy, which resulted in his repeated triumphs, is what ultimately led to his success. During his tenure as the 45th President of the United States of America, he firmly established himself as the most prominent figurehead of the Republican Party.

It would seem that the Republican Party is reevaluating its approach to suit Trump’s demands. A significant number of Republicans have shifted their political leanings to become more “pro-Trump,” while other Republicans are ready to embrace the ideas and rhetoric of Trump. It is a common joke among people in the United States of America that being referred to as “Little Trump” is the highest kind of compliment that Republicans can get at this moment.

Since the former president was victorious in the Republican primary on both August 15 and 24, it is quite probable that he will be the final presidential candidate for the party. A great deal of expectation is being directed toward the question of whether or not former President Trump, who is comparable to an NBA star, will be able to deliver victory to the Republican Party in the next presidential election.



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