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Out of control Putin disappoints Russia

Out of control, Putin disappoints Russia

On Thursday, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin reminded Russians that the “special military operation” in Ukraine that began in February 2022 will continue for a long time because it has turned into a “collective war against the West.” This was the reason for increasing the duration of the operation.

In my opinion, there is a disagreement.

Everyone was surprised by the statement issued by Putin’s spokesperson Dmitry Peskov. Journalists were informed that they were not allowed to access it after the invasion began. Since then, hundreds of Russians have been detained, fined or jailed for exposing the truth about the more than two-year-old conflict. The conflict has affected Russia for more than two years.

Goryanov was given a seven-year prison sentence for uttering the word “war,” The Daily Beast reports. This information was given by Sergei Davidis, head of the Political Prisoners Support Association. According to his claims, more than twenty thousand Russians were detained and punished for participating in anti-war demonstrations. To illustrate his point, he cited the 131 Russians who had been sentenced to serious prison terms for their “more radical” or “peaceful” anti-war efforts. Putin is going to be the next one to declare war, and since the Kremlin has already done that, I don’t think the sanctions against the war will be any less severe.

Putin’s most prominent domestic rival, Alexei Navalny, died in a Russian prison camp at around the same time as verbal tensions escalated. The circumstances surrounding his death were strange. The dictator’s power is being demonstrated in the weeks before the presidential elections.

Every Wednesday, Moscow does not reaffirm its declaration of war on the United States.

Whenever the Kremlin refers to the “collective West”, it is often referring to the 28 countries that are members of the European Union as well as the 31 countries that are members of NATO. According to Peskov, this is a conflict in which the states making up the Western coalition led by the United States are actively involved.

Currently, notable journalists, experts and human rights campaigners are engaged in a heated debate over the appropriateness of classifying this conflict as a war. This debate is taking place both inside and outside Russia. The Kremlin is deeply unhappy that the United States government is hesitant to discuss a solution to Ukraine without Ukraine’s participation. Insider’s editor-in-chief, Timur Oleevsky, was reported as saying, “Nobody wants to sit down with Putin for dream talks; Yalta-2.” This statement was referenced by the Daily Beast. According to Olevsky, Putin was obsessed with the idea of going back to the peace talks that took place in 1945 after World War II, when the Soviet Union’s power was at its peak. “It seems as if someone kicked it in the nose, so the Kremlin’s attempts to negotiate with the West have finally failed.”

On the same day that the Kremlin issued a major declaration of war, Ukrainian intelligence reported the destruction of a huge and expensive Russian landing ship. “The poorest regions are suffering the most within the faltering Russian economy,” Olevsky said, adding that “the resources Russia has spent on the war have offset the amount the West has spent on aid to Ukraine. ” The disparity between Russia’s GDP and the size of California’s economy is growing.

Because their average monthly income has reached the same level as was estimated in 2013, Russian people are becoming poorer day by day. Before Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine, more than sixteen million Russians were already living on a monthly income of less than two hundred dollars. If a professional journalist had been in Tucker Carlson’s position earlier this month, he would have questioned Vladimir Putin by asking, “Why is your population so poor despite all of Russia’s natural resources?” Does your budget allow for this type of conflict?

In 2021, Vladimir Putin said that poverty and difficulty with the healthcare system were Russia’s “main enemies” during that year. On the other hand, instead of dealing with these concerns, he is spending a third of his earnings on the crisis in Ukraine. According to Ilya Barabanov, a prominent Russia observer, the current leadership is “struggling to explain to the population how the army has been stuck in the Battle of Avdiivka for two years, so they are now creating a major conflict, so They claim the whole world is their enemy.” Barabanov made the statement in an interview with The Daily Beast. To put it another way, it seems that people in positions of power don’t care about the consequences.

As a result of the Kremlin’s false claim that Russia is now at war with the West, the morale of the Russian people has reached a historically low level.

Natalia Strelkova, aged 54, a corporate lawyer from Nizhny Novgorod, expressed her tremendous pain after hearing this information.

The majority of Russians need mental health care, especially those struggling with alcohol addiction, the frequency of which has increased by 85 per cent in the past year alone.

This is an accurate representation of the environment that Putin has created. His claim that “everything is going according to plan” is no longer believed by the general public. A lot of people are nervous. The looming pandemic is going to get even worse, as a result of Navalny’s death and the Kremlin’s public declaration of war against the United States, a country whose economy is five times that of Russia.

As the war began and her friends left Russia, Strelkova felt “as if her world was falling apart, the best people were leaving us in this mess”. On the other hand, she stayed behind to take care of her elderly and frail mother.

We seem to be engaged in a struggle with the entire world, and every time we reach our lowest point, we fall even worse. Is there anything that could be more terrifying than this? There is no doubt about the fact that nuclear energy will come next. The majority of Russians will continue to vote for Putin out of a sense of helplessness, even though wages are low, medical care is terrible, soldiers are losing their lives on the battlefield, and a sense of instability is growing. This breaks my heart the most.

A researcher at the USC Center for Communication Leadership and Policy that there were strong signs of social tension based on data analysis of Russian social media. Vasily Gatov, citing his research, indicated that there is a growing sense of unease among the Russian people. “The amount of vodka purchased by Russians quadrupled after news of mobilization last year.”

According to Pavel Kanygin, an investigative journalist for Novaya Gazeta, the contracts with the Russian military are as follows: “They are trying to keep those who have already signed contracts to avoid new mobilization.”

A Moscow-based researcher named Vasily Polonsky said much of the issue was related to domestic politics. Because elections are coming up, he said it was “an attempt to explain why this is still going on.”

Presidential elections in Russia are going to be held on March 15 next month. Apart from Putin, three other candidates have expressed their support for the crisis in Ukraine; Therefore, Russian citizens who oppose the invasion have no candidates to vote for during the elections.

Even though he avoided using the word “war”, Vladimir Putin resumed his discussion on Friday on the topic of opposing the “collective West”. He echoed the comments of Soviet Union leader Leonid Brezhnev when he expressed his disapproval of Western neo-colonialism. Ongoing efforts by the Western world to economically oppress other countries, deprive them of their sovereignty, impose foreign ideas and traditions, and maintain and spread Western dominance are all violent examples of this historical trend. All of these activities are examples of the Western world attempting to maintain and expand its sovereignty. As a result of such tactics, the development of all human beings has now been hindered.

As Russia’s missiles continue to bomb Ukraine and its forces attack Ukrainian military targets, it is important to keep in mind how ridiculous it sounds when Putin accuses the West of aggression.

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