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Trump, Haley fight in New Hampshire before crucial primary

New Hampshire’s In their last weekend of campaigning for the Republican presidential nomination, former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley and former president Donald Trump will make their last arguments in New Hampshire on Sunday. Voters will go to the polls on Tuesday.
After his triumph in the Iowa caucuses solidified his supremacy in the primary campaign, Haley, who was Trump’s ambassador to the UN, is running out of time to unseat the Republican presidential frontrunner.

She has an already slim chance of getting the nomination, but it might be shattered if she loses in New Hampshire on Tuesday.

Trump, who is now in first position in this race, spoke to a stadium full of enthusiastic fans in Manchester on Saturday night, urging them to cast their ballots in the primary election on Tuesday. Haley and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are his opponents.
However, he seemed to divert some of his attention to the next big nomination fight in late February in South Carolina.

Several prominent South Carolinians, including Governor Henry McMaster, spoke at the event in support of Trump.

“They understand that I am the only candidate in this race who is going to save America and we’re gonna get rid of this Biden disaster right away,” stated Trump.

Do you understand my actions now? I’m smacking someone.

Nikki Haley

Haley has intensified her criticism of Trump recently, using a last-ditch effort to compare the president to a businessman and politician whose presidency was marked by anarchy and who is currently facing four criminal charges, one of which is related to his attempts to reverse the 2020 election results, which he lost to current president Joe Biden.

Some Republicans and independents still think Haley should have been more critical of her primary opponent and that she hasn’t done enough to undermine her throughout the campaign, despite her change of heart.

Republican Chris Jay, 57, said, “I think Trump needs to be put in his place.” Jay was leaning toward Haley but wanted her to launch more direct assaults on the previous president.

On Saturday, Haley scolded Trump, 77, for his advanced years, after his apparent conflation of her with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The fact that Trump is friendly with dictators like Kim Jong Un of North Korea and Vladimir Putin of Russia was another point of criticism from Haley.

“Trump needs to stop praising dictators,” she stated during a Saturday campaign rally in Keene, New Hampshire. She went on to say that she attempted to end his “bromance” with Putin when she was his UN ambassador.

Using his social media platform to specifically target Haley by her given first name and to propagate bogus tweets challenging her birthright U.S. citizenship, Trump has intensified his already vicious assaults on Haley.

Born Nimarata Nikki Randhawa to Indian parents, Haley has always gone by her middle name, Nikki, and eventually adopted her husband’s surname.

Trump criticized Haley during Saturday night’s Manchester rally, accusing her of endangering social security and praising her ties to affluent contributors who have backed Democrats.

Unflattering photos of Haley and words criticizing her were shown on a big screen above the stage where Trump spoke.

“Nikki Haley is loved by Democrats, Wall Street, and globalists,” stated one of the screen overlays.

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