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Trump Is Now Bald-Faced Lying About Jan. 6

Trump Is Now Bald-Faced Lying About Jan. 6

In spite of the fact that it is one of the most thoroughly examined and documented political incidents of the last several years, President Trump continues to make efforts to alter the sequence of events that surrounded the violent incident that took place in the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021.

On Thursday, he met with members of the media at his home and club in Florida, which is known as Mar-a-Lago. Within the period of a few minutes, the candidate for the Republican presidential nomination constructed a web of falsehoods about the demonstrations that were organized by supporters of Trump that resulted in fatalities. It is one of the most readily verifiable lies that he concocted that “there weren’t any guns” among the people who were going to riot.

As a matter of fact, a significant number of the protesters that turned up to the Capitol stationed guns with them. Over the course of their trial, the rioters acknowledged to this, and as a consequence, they were sentenced to significant periods of incarceration. This assertion has previously been made by Trump, who has gone so far as to state that the riot was “completely non-armed,” despite the fact that the perpetrators of the disturbance were in possession of weapons such as knives, guns, baseball bats, and chemical weapons.

The untruth was used as a rationale by Trump in his assault on Capitol police officers who interfered with a crowd on Thursday. “So insignificant, sad, and so harrowing,” he remarked of the police officers who were guarding legislators as they gathered for the official certification of the 2020 Electoral College count. This event took place barely two weeks before Joe Biden’s inauguration. Trump proceeded to continue after that.

In addition, Trump said that he broadcasted an audio clip of his remarks that was intended to put an end to the violent rioting that was taking place in the Rose Garden of the White House whenever it got “very close to” the violence. It has been more than two hours since the rioters forced their way inside the Capitol building. Trump then made his statements public, telling his fans “to return home immediately,” and added, “Your love is beautiful, and we cherish it.”

That was the moment when Trump made his remarks public. It is very exceptional. Those those who are in support of it—In the days leading up to the protests that took place on June 6, 2021, President Trump listens to his now-famous speech.We engage in a heated battle. It was his warning to them that if they did not fight with ferocity, “You are no longer any country.” According to the conclusions of the House select committee that investigated the riots and plans to disrupt the 2020 election, Trump allegedly spent those hours watching the riots spread on television while ignoring the calls of his fellow Republicans and his daughter Ivanka to interfere.

This was the conclusion reached since the committee investigated the riots and plots to disrupt the election. As one of his most ludicrous charges, Trump sought to attribute the violence to the actions of a well-known rioter. This is one of his most stupid claims. “If it was a rebellion,” said President Trump, “I believe that it was an uprising triggered by Nancy Pelosi.”

To tell you the truth, that is not the case. Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives from California, was not persuaded by thousands of Trump fans to invade her place of employment, enter her office, or put her life in jeopardy. There is a video from that day that shows a protester walking around the corridors of Congress while shouting “Nancy Pelosi!” on the film from that day.

What exactly are you doing, Nancy? Best wishes to you, Nancy!Nancy, where have you been hiding out all this time? Your location is being looked for at this very moment! Pelosi was escorted out of her chamber and transported to a safe place by her bodyguards while members of the demonstrators and police officers who were attempting to storm the Capitol were engaged in a violent confrontation. During the time that she was hiding, she was an essential part of the process of communicating with high-ranking government officials in order to guarantee the safety of herself and her coworkers.

During his speech to the media on Thursday, President Trump used phrases that he had previously used in his comments before the riots. This was another demonstration that he was not pushing for violence. The speech I gave was not only calm but also patriotic. With regard to the speech, there was a reference to peaceful and patriotic behavior. “The speech was patriotic and peaceful,” Trump said many times during the speech.

During his speech on January 6th, President Trump did make a brief mention to the comments. Assuring his supporters in it, he said, “I know that everyone in this room will shortly be going towards the Capitol building in order to peacefully and proudly make their voices heard.” He was referring to all of the people who were present in the room. On the other hand, the tone of Trump’s speech that day was, for the most part, concise.

Together, we are fighting like lions. “You won’t be a nation for long if you don’t battle as hard,” he cautioned his fans as his talk drew to an end. “You shouldn’t fight as hard.” It will never be possible for you to succeed in regaining control of your country if you lack strength. It is essential, he stated, to demonstrate that you are a strong and resilient individual.

On Thursday, the same day that Donald Trump gave his speech, the United States Supreme Court heard arguments against a decision made by a court in Colorado, which said that Trump could not be on the ballot in Colorado because he was responsible for inciting an insurrection. There is a clause in the 14th Amendment that states that a person is not allowed to hold a position at the federal or state level if they have “engaged in rebellion or insurrection” against the United States of America after taking an oath to safeguard the rights that are protected by the Constitution. That clause serves as the foundation for this judgment.

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