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Trump’s Haley attacks risk women

Trump’s Haley attacks risk women

The attacks that former President Trump has made against Nikki Haley threaten to severely diminish his support among some female voters as he prepares to compete for the candidacy of the Republican Party.

The attacks that Trump has been making on Haley became more severe during his victory speech in New Hampshire. He referred to her as a “birdbrain” and made fun of the clothes that she wore on that particular evening. Tim Scott, a former senator from South Carolina who was appointed by Haley in 2013, has expressed his doubts about whether or not Haley despises him, even though he has shown positive support for Trump this year.
According to political observers, the remarks are reminiscent of the president’s prior assaults on women and have the potential to alienate significant female votes in the next general election. This means that the president may lose a significant number of votes. As a result of the discoveries that occurred in New Hampshire about his shortcomings with certain voter groups, this is yet another warning sign for Trump.

Juliana Bergeron, a member of the Republican National Committee from New Hampshire, said that President Trump would not be able to win over women voters who are considered to be swing votes. In addition, I am concerned that he will not be able to get a sufficient number of votes among Republican women. In a contest that is so close, his comments might very well be the deciding factor.

Since 2018, Trump and other Republicans farther down the ticket have had a difficult time winning over female voters, particularly those with college degrees who reside in suburban regions. This is especially true where the voters are located. In 2020, according to statistics from the Pew Research Center, President Biden received the support of 54 percent of suburban women. Furthermore, during the midterm elections of 2022, suburban women voters in swing states such as Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania voted against numerous candidates who were supported by Trump.

Even while Trump performed better than Clinton among female voters in New Hampshire on Tuesday, the margin of victory was still very small, coming in at 51% to 47%. However, Trump performed far better among men in New Hampshire, garnering 59% of the vote to 39% of the vote.

As a political analyst for CNN and a strategist for the Republican Party, Alice Stewart made the following observation: “The cake is baked concerning voters’ outrage over Trump’s outrageous comments.” “Women from the suburbs, in particular, are either so repulsed by it that they would never back him politically or they are so numb to it that they say, ‘I’ll back his policies and I’ll ignore the hate speech.'”

To add insult to injury, Trump has previously ridiculed each one of his political adversaries. Since the beginning of his campaign for the presidency in 2015, Trump has earned a reputation for using a wide range of nicknames for his adversaries. Included in this category are the names “Little Marco,” “Low Energy Jeb,” “Crooked Hillary,” and “Sleepy Joe.”

“He uses gender all the time,” Debbie Walsh, director of the Center for American Women in Politics at Rutgers University, is quoted as saying. It is something that he uses in his contacts with both males and females. The way he exerts his influence over men is by giving them the impression that they are never powerful enough.

Many people who are aware of the situation, however, agree that Trump’s attacks on female opponents and critics are far more savage and personal. Megyn Kelly, who moderated the first Republican presidential debate in 2015, was questioned by Donald Trump about her questioning approach. Trump said that Kelly had “blood coming out of her wherever” in her body. “Look at that face… would anyone vote for that?” Carly Fiorina, who was running for president at the time, was insulted by Trump in an interview with Rolling Stone one month later. What do you think about it as a possible appearance for our next president?

“We see again that while he is never kind to the people who run against him, he is vicious and comes after them in ways that we’re just not used to seeing in American politics,” according to Walsh… “It seems like women in particular irritate him, though.”

Furthermore, Trump is highly unhappy with Haley since she has not withdrawn from the presidential contest and has instead committed to continue fighting. This has caused Trump to become increasingly frustrated with Haley.

As a result of Trump’s warning on Thursday that anybody who continues to donate to Haley’s candidacy would be “permanently barred from the MAGA camp,” the amount of pressure that is being put on her to withdraw from the race has increased.

Numerous Republicans are baffled by the attacks that have been made against Haley, and they have brought to light the fact that Trump has a double-digit edge against Haley in polls that have been performed in South Carolina and other states that have impending primaries.

Stewart said that Haley’s actions were executed as part of a bigger scheme to “insult and irritate” a person whom he perceived to be a potential threat. Even though he is outperforming her by a significant margin, he continues to be nasty enough to criticize the apparel she is wearing. That he continues to be the same Donald Trump that we have known from the beginning is evidence of that.

It has been said by some who support Trump that the attacks that he has launched against Haley will not be the determining factor in the presidential race.

“Nikki Haley’s home state of South Carolina will be just like Iowa and New Hampshire, where more women voted for President Trump than for Nikki Haley,” said Karoline Leavitt, one of the national press secretaries for the Trump campaign. “South Carolina will be just like Iowa and New Hampshire.”

Women are looking for a leader who is trustworthy and honest so that they may adequately safeguard themselves and their families. She continued by saying, “We reject Nikki Haley and other politicians who waver between supporting open borders, amnesty for illegal immigration, and increased taxation.” She was referring to the issue of open borders.

There is also the notion that Biden can acquire an edge as a result of Haley’s prolonged engagement in the fight. This is because it reduces the likelihood that Trump would see the president as his only opponent.

Per the recommendations of Republican strategist Ford O’Connell, President Trump must immediately put an end to his campaign against Haley. By postponing what is almost certain to take place, Haley is just assisting the Biden campaign. Concerning its support for Haley’s conduct, Team Biden has been very transparent.

Additionally, Republicans highlight the fact that Trump has still been able to win elections despite the backlash he faced for his words that were intended to be directed toward women.

Trump was seen bragging about his ability to touch women in the now-famous “Access Hollywood” tape, which was published one month before the presidential elections in 2016. Many people believed that the film was the last straw that would send the Trump campaign to its knees.

“I always think back to 2016, when my husband walked into the room following Access Hollywood and said, ‘Okay, you just got your first female president,'” according to Walsh.
Instead, Trump went on to defeat Clinton in the election.

However, since then, there has been a significant change in the national discussion regarding women’s issues. This shift has occurred as a result of the growth of the “Me Too” and Women’s March movements, the reversal of Roe v. Wade, which restored abortion restrictions to the states, and other causes.

According to Stewart, two of the primary reasons why Trump is losing popularity among suburban women are his ongoing legal difficulties and his false charges of election fraud in 2020. Both of these issues have been going on for quite some time.

She brought up the fact that the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has tainted him in that regard, and she pointed out that this is the case. The name Donald Trump is “all over it,” according to Stewart.


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